Who we are

Our website address is: https://trendingworld.net.


Trending world shall process all Personal Data adhering to the general data processing principles:

  • lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject (lawfulness, fairness, and transparency);
  • collect and process Personal Data only for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes (purpose limitation);
  • ensure that Personal Data is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for relation to the purposes for which they are processed (data minimization);
  • ensure that Personal Data is accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date (accuracy);
  • ensure that Personal Data is kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed (storage limitation);
  • process Personal Data in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures (integrity and confidentiality).

All and any information stored on trending world’s Platform is treated as strictly confidential. All information is stored securely and is accessed by qualified and authorized personnel only.


Please always take care and observe at least the following minimum requirements for the protection of your personal information:

  • please omit using your name, address, telephone number, e-mail, personal identification number, date of birth, bank Account number, card number, other special (sensitive) data, etc. in the subject of the request or file name;
  • please omit using your personal code, payment card number, and other financial information and details, health, family member details, or other specific (sensitive) data, in the texts of requests, e-mails or similar communication to us, and
  • please make sure that the remaining personal data is only indicated to the extent necessary for the purposes for which the letter, request or inquiry is sent.

Right to delete your data

You may at any time access and edit, update or delete your contact details by logging into your trending world’s platform Account.

Please note that you will only be able to delete your email during de-activation of your trending world’s Account. To deactivate your Account, please send your request to info@trendingworld.net, and you will be provided with further guidance.

Information related to the calls or meetings you participate

In cases where you call trending world or schedule an appointment for a meeting, such conversations will be recorded by trending world for quality management purposes. As a result, we will be able to maintain and improve the quality of trending world’s services based on trending worlds quality standards and policies. For this purpose we will process the following data: email address, date and time of conversation, its duration, audio and/or video recording, any other personal data provided by you voluntarily during the conversation. Also, provided email address and / or phone No. may be used for the purposes of allowing you to reach us or contacting you regarding your matter.

In such cases processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by trending world’s (under Article 6(1)( f) of GDPR) or is based on your consent, when you consent to video recording by turning video on, or provide certain data voluntary (under Article 6(1)(a) of GDPR).

The recordings will be kept up to for 30 days and deleted thereafter as soon as technically feasible.

3.2. Information We Collect when You use the Platform

When you use the Trending world Platform or contact us directly by any communication channel, we may collect information, including personal information, about the services you use and how you use them.

This information is necessary for the adequate performance of the contract between you and us, to enable us to comply with legal obligations and given our legitimate interest in being able to provide and improve the functionalities of the Trending world Platform.

Automatic collection of data

  • Log data and Device information. We automatically collect log data and device information when you access and use the trending world Platform, even if you have not created an trending world Account or logged in. That information includes, among other things: Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, Internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp and/or clickstream data.
  • Tracking technologies and Cookies. We use cookies, beacons, tags, scripts and other similar technologies, such as CI codes (click tracking), ISC (source tracking), and ITC (item tracking codes). We also automatically collect information about device’s operating system, phone model, device ID and customer number. For more detail information on the use of these technologies.
  • Usage information. We use a tool called “Google Analytics” to collect information about your interactions with the trending world Platform (what pages you visit, such as the pages or content you view, your searches for Listings, bookings you have made, and other actions on the trending world Platform. In consequence, Google, Inc. plants a permanent cookie on your web browser to identify you as a unique user the next time you visit this Site). For more information please visit Google.
  • Geo-location data. We collect information about your approximate location as determined by data such as your IP address to offer you an improved user experience and comply with applicable legal requirements, such as taxes, pricing, etc. Such data may be collected only when you access trending world platform using your device.

Trending world processes this information on the legal basis of:

  • Your consent;
  • Conclusion and performance of contractual arrangements and obligations between Trending world and the User;
  • Pursuance of legitimate interests of Trending world, as Data Controller and manager of Trending world platform.


We use, store, combine and process information, including personal information, about you to provide, understand, improve, and develop the Trending world Platform, create and maintain a trusted and safer environment and comply with our legal obligations.

  • To Identify. Personal identification information is collected and processed for the purposes of User identification as well use of services and domain name registration. Additionally, this information may be used to provide Users with support, letting them know about upcoming updates or improvements, providing information regarding changes of any terms of service (including changes to this Policy) as well as other important information.
  • To Create and Maintain Trusted Environment. We verify or authenticate information or identifications provided by you (such as ID number, email or phone numbers). We also use collected information to detect and prevent fraud, spam, abuse, security incidents, and other illegal and harmful activities.
  • To Create Aggregated Statistical Data, to Carry out Market Research and Analysis necessary for running out our business, to improve our services we use aggregated and/or inferred non-personal information enabling us to evaluate our customers’ needs, sales and other trends of our activities.
  • To Stay Connected. We use information about data usage, devices, operating systems to diagnose problems with our servers, to administer our Platform, adopt decision when to retire SDK’s/OS versions, to identify characteristics of major users so that we may optimize our applications and services and make your browsing and purchasing experience more enjoyable.
  • To Customize Marketing. To provide more customized offers to our Users, we may conduct data analysis based on information you provide to us, your interactions with the trending world Platform and its Users.
  • To Send Service and Billing Messages. Trending world may also contact you with important information regarding our Services, or your use thereof. For example, we may send you a notice (through any of the communication channels available to us) if a certain Service is temporarily suspended for maintenance; reply to your support ticket or e-mail; send you reminders or warnings regarding upcoming or late payments for your current or upcoming subscriptions; forward abuse complaints regarding your hosting plan; or notify you of material changes in our Services. Such kind of communication is essential, for this reason, no opt-out possibilities are given to avoid receiving such Service and Billing Messages unless you are no longer a Trending world User (which can be done by deactivating your Account).
  • To inform you about the status of unfinished order. We may send you an email notification about the status of your unfinished order. Such notifications are based on our legitimate interest in improving your experience with us and assisting you with any issues related to your orders. You have the full right to opt-out of receiving such notifications at any time through the unsubscribe link provided in the email or your account settings.
  • To Register Domain. In certain jurisdictions or pursuant to the rules of the ICANN or certain registries, domain name registration information has to be made available and accessible to the public through a “WHOIS” search. The WHOIS database is a publicly accessible database that lists the domain name registration information for a particular domain name, the name server(s) to which the domain name points, and the domain name’s creation and expiration date. The domain name registration information you provide is stored by Trending world and is made available to the public through WHOIS searches. Trending world may deposit your domain name registration information with a third-party escrow provider to comply with ICANN requirements. At times, Users may receive solicitations that result from searches of the publicly available WHOIS database by other companies or individuals. Any such solicitations or e-mail communications do not come from trending world and trending world is not responsible for the use of WHOIS information by third parties. Hostinger acts only on the basis of ICANN rules and requirements. For more information see: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/approved-with-specs-2013-09-17-en#whois.
  • To contact you. In order to notify you regarding your Account, to troubleshoot problems with your Account, to resolve a dispute, to collect fees or monies owed, to poll your opinions through surveys or questionnaires, to send updates about our company, or as otherwise necessary to contact you to enforce our User Agreement, applicable national laws, and any agreement we may have with you. For these purposes, we may contact you via email, telephone, text messages, and portal.
  • To get feedback. We may contact you via email to invite you to review any services and/or products you received from us in order to collect your feedback and improve our services. We might use an external company, to collect your feedback which means that we will share your name, email address and reference number for this purpose.
  • To provide, operate and improve the Services.
  • To enhance data security and to prevent fraud.
  • To comply with applicable laws and regulations.


We may collect, store and process certain information pertaining to visitors and users of our User’s websites or services, solely on our Users’ behalf and at their direction. Each of our Users is able to collect and manage information, including personal data, via their website. Such information and personal data are then stored with Trending world. For such purposes, within the meaning of the GDPR, Trending world may in certain limited cases, as specified in the Terms of Service, be considered as a “data processor” of such information pertaining to visitors and users of their websites or services. The Users controlling and operating such User websites, shall be considered as the “data controllers” of such information, and shall be solely, completely and fully responsible and liable for complying with all laws and regulations that may apply to the collection and control thereof, including all privacy and data protection laws of all relevant jurisdictions.

User shall be solely, completely and fully responsible for the security, integrity and authorized usage of information related to visitors and users of their websites or services, and for obtaining consents, permissions and providing any fair processing notices required for the collection and usage of such information.

Trending world has no direct relationship with the individual visitors and users of our User’s websites or services whose personal data it processes. If you are a customer of any of our Users, and would like to make any requests regarding your personal data, please contact such User(s) directly.

For more information about data processing arrangement between us and our Users, please see our Terms of Service. 


When creating an Account at our Platform, subject to the available preferences, you are free to give consent and/or opt-out from receiving various offers and/or notices directly to your e-mail, phone (SMS and/or Whatsapp messages) or in your Account. We use provided contact details and your preferences for direct marketing (by sending various offers or newsletters) and/or Service expiration notices / renewal reminders.

This communication, depending on your preferences, may be personalized taking into account any other information which you have provided to us (e.g. location, social media profile information, purchase history etc.) or we have collected or generated from other sources as described below.

Please note that in case you subscribe to service expiration notices / renewal reminders via SMS/WhatsApp, it is our right, but not an obligation, to send such notices / reminders for each Service.

Right to object / revoke consent 

If a User wishes to change their preferences communication (revoke consent or object), they are free to exercise such option at any time they wish by (1) following the instructions to unsubscribe in the received email (usually, by clicking on a link for that purpose at the bottom of our e-mail) / text message; (2) visiting and adjusting User’s personal account settings (communication preferences).

You may also at any time refuse to receive information from us by sending an email to info@trendingworld.net


  • Developing Platform. We use data, including public feedback, to conduct research and development for the further development of our platform in order to provide you and others with a better, more intuitive and personalized experience, drive membership growth.
  • Customer Support. We use data to help you and fix problems. We use the data (which can include your communications) to investigate, respond to and resolve complaints and issues (e.g., bugs).
  • Aggregate Insights. We use data to generate aggregate insights. We use your data to produce and share aggregated insights that do not identify you.
  • Security and Investigations. We use data for security, fraud prevention and investigations. We use your data (including your communications) if we think it’s necessary for security purposes or to investigate possible fraud or other violations of our Terms of User or this Policy and/or attempts to harm our Users.


We collect and receive your Personal data from yourself (including your device) as well as from the following sources:

  • Social network operators (such as Facebook, Google, etc.);
  • Third-party service providers, suppliers and our partners;
  • Other legal sources.


We generally retain your personal information for as long as is necessary to provide our services and to comply with our legal obligations. Where your personal information is no longer required we will ensure it is securely deleted.

If you would like to stop us using your personal information, you shall request that we erase your personal information and close your trending world Account.

After de-activation of Account, we will still retain the following data for the purposes of compliance with applicable legal requirements (such as tax, accounting, legal reporting, AML, other), for as long as we are legally required by virtue of such legal requirements:

  • profile with de-personalised information (we will change your email into user@deleted.com, erase you name, surname and contact information) like purchased services, login information, payment information, etc.

Please also note that we may further retain some of your personal information in such cases (i.e., after closure of your trending world Account):

  • as long as it is necessary for our legitimate business interests, such as fraud detection and prevention and enhancing safety. If trending world suspends your trending world Account for safety reasons, we may retain certain information from that trending world Account to prevent that User from opening a new trending world Account in the future;
  • the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations. Trending world may keep some of your information for tax, legal reporting and auditing obligations;
  • forum posts or other publicly visible information may continue to be publicly available on the trending world Platform, even after your trending world Account is deactivated. However, attribution of such information to you will be removed. Additionally, some copies of your information (e.g., log records) may remain in our database, but are disassociated from personal identifiers;
  • to resolve disputes;
  • to enforce our agreements and/or pursue or protect our legitimate interests;
  • as we protect trending world Platform from accidental or malicious loss and destruction, residual copies of your personal information may not be removed from our backup systems for a limited period of time;
  • domain name registration data – at the moment of writing this Policy, in order to register domain, we are requested to provide personal information about the owner of domain; this information is shown in WHOIS directory and is public. For more information, please visit https://www.icann.org/registrants.


While collecting and processing your Personal Data, we may perform data transfers to various third parties.

1. With your consent

We will share your Personal Data with companies, organizations or individuals outside our group of companies when we have your consent to do so.

2. Where do we process your personal data?

  • Users’ Personal Information may be maintained, processed and stored by trending world and our authorized affiliates and service providers in the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Lithuania or Cyprus, and in other jurisdictions as necessary for the proper delivery of our Services and/or as may be required by law (as further explained below).
  • Trending world affiliates and service providers (such as third-party data centers, servers, website design, administration services, online traffic and website analysis, statistics, direct marketing services, mailers, messengers, email service provider (when you choose to purchase or use such services), etc.), that store or process your personal data as well as personal data of your users on Trending world’s behalf are each contractually committed to keep it protected and secured, in accordance with industry standards and regardless of any lesser legal requirements which may apply in their jurisdiction (see below).
  • Domain name registration data and identification data is shared with third parties in accordance with ICANN rules. For more information see https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/approved-with-specs-2013-09-17-en#whois.

We may share non-personally identifiable information publicly as well as with our partners – publishers, advertisers. For example, we may share information publicly to show trends about the general use of our platform.

If we are involved in a merger, reorganization, acquisition or sale, we will continue to ensure the confidentiality of any Personal Data and give all affected Users appropriate notices.

Some of our servers are located outside EU or European Economic Area (EEA), such as US, Brazil, Singapore, Indonesia, therefore, depending on your choice or the Services, your personal data as well as personal data of your users might be transferred to processors, sub-processors or other data recipients established in such third countries (i.e., data centers and servers, located outside EU or EEA, please see more here).  We will ensure that the said personal data will be transferred only if there is a sufficient basis for this under the GDPR and other applicable legal acts.

Standard contractual clauses for data transfers outside the EU or EEA. Your personal data as well as personal data of your users might be transferred to processors, sub-processors or other data recipients established in third countries (i.e., data centers and servers, located outside EU or EEA, please see more here). For such transfers to be compatible with the requirements of GDPR, we have concluded with the data processors and/or sub-processor relevant agreements on such data transfers outside EU or EEA, which comply with the European Commission approved standard contractual clauses for data transfers from data controllers in the EU to data processors and/or controllers established outside the EU or European Economic Area (EEA). For more see: https://commission.europa.eu/publications/standard-contractual-clauses-international-transfers_en.  For the said purposes and to the extent relevant we have deemed that the said agreements were concluded on your behalf and under your instructions, as the case may be, all in line with Art. 46 of GDPR.

Other grounds for data transfers outside the EU or European Economic Area (EEA). Your personal data as well as personal data of your users might be transferred to data recipients established in third countries on other legal grounds compatible with the requirements of GDPR (Art. 45-49).

Transfer, disclosure of data to competent authorities.  In certain situations, trending world may be asked to disclose personal data in response to lawful requests by public authorities, other competent authorities, including when it is required to meet national security or law enforcement requirements, and will do so where permitted by local data protection laws.

3. Data Localisation Obligations

If you reside in a jurisdiction that imposes “data localisation” or “data residency” obligations (i.e., requiring that Personal Information of its residents be kept within the territorial boundaries of such jurisdiction), and this fact comes to our attention, we may maintain your Personal Information within such territorial boundaries, if we are legally obligated to do so.

You acknowledge that while doing so, we may continue to collect, store and use your Personal Information elsewhere.

4. Targeting, advertising

We also use Facebook, Google, as well as other advertising and marketing tools. You should carefully read the privacy policy of these service providers. More information on the targeted advertising, as well as your opt-out rights and other rights, you will find on the respective websites of these service providers – https://lt-lt.facebook.com/policies/ads#https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads.

5. Social Media Features

Our Services include certain Social Media features and widgets, single sign on features, such as the “Facebook Connect” or “Google Sign-in”, the “Facebook Like” button, the “Share this” button or other interactive mini-programs (“Social Media Features”). These Social Media Features may collect information such as your IP address or which page you are visiting on our Website, and may set a cookie to enable them to function properly. Social Media Features are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Services. Your interactions with these third parties’ Social Media Features are governed by their respective policies.

6. Our Legal Obligation to Use or Disclose Personal Data

We will reveal your Personal Data to state and public authorities without your prior permission only when we are legally required to provide information, including taking legal action to defend our rights, as well as the cases, where we have a belief in good faith that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary to meet any applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request, enforce applicable Terms of Services, including investigation of potential violations, detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues.

11.7. Other

We may share your personal data in manners other than as described above, pursuant to your explicit consent, or if we are legally obligated to do so. 


Trending world has implemented security measures designed to protect the Personal Information you share with us, including physical, electronic and procedural measures. Among other things, we offer HTTPS secure access to most areas on our Services. We also regularly monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks, and regularly seek new ways and Third-Party Services for further enhancing the security of our Services and protection of our Visitors’ and Users’ privacy.

Regardless of the measures and efforts taken by trending world, we cannot and do not guarantee the absolute protection and security of your Personal Information, or any other User Content you upload, publish or otherwise share with trending world or anyone else.

We therefore encourage you to set strong passwords for your User Account and avoid providing us or anyone with any sensitive information of which you believe its disclosure could cause you substantial or irreparable harm.

If you have any questions regarding the security of our Services, you are welcome to contact us at info@trendingworld.net


You are entitled to a range of rights regarding the protection of your Personal Data, which are subject to limitations, restrictions and conditions as laid down in GDPR and applicable law. Those rights are:

  • the right to access the information we process about you;
  • the right to rectify incorrect/inaccurate information about you;
  • the right to transfer all or part of the information collected about you to you or another data controller, where technically feasible (the right to data portability; with limitations and restrictions as specified in the EU General Data Protection Regulation);
  • the right to erase any data concerning you. Users may demand erasure of data without undue delay for legitimate reasons, e.g. where data is no longer necessary for the purposes it was collected, or where the data has been unlawfully processed;
  • the right to the restriction of data processing. Users, for legitimate purposes, may obtain restriction of data processing from the controller;
  • the right to object to the processing of Personal Data when processing is carried out on the basis of legitimate interest, as well as in cases of use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, as specified above in this Policy.

Some of the rights as above are easy to exercise: i.e., you may at any time access and edit, update or amend your details, opt out of receiving communications from us and our partners by visiting and adjusting your personal account settings, or by e-mail: info@trendingworld.net

When you object to processing of Personal Data when processing is carried out on the basis of legitimate interest, we will carefully consider such a request, which may result in your Account closure or de-activation.

Users have the right to lodge a complaint with the national Data Protection Agency in their country of residence in the event where their rights may have been infringed. However, we recommend attempting to reach a peaceful resolution of the possible dispute by contacting us first.


We assume that all Users of trending world Platform have carefully read this document and agree to its contents. If someone does not agree with this Policy, they should refrain from using our website, and mobile applications. We reserve the right to change our Policy at any time and inform by using the way as indicated in Section 17. Continued use of trending world’s website and mobile applications implies acceptance of the revised Policy.

This Policy is an integral part of trending world’s Terms and Conditions.

We will ask for your consent before using information for a purpose other than those set out in this Policy.


For all your requests or comments concerned with this Privacy Policy, please contact: info@trendingworld.net


Our Policy may change from time to time. We will post any Policy changes on our website and, if the changes are significant, we may consider providing a more explicit notice (including, for certain services, email notification of Policy changes).


If you have any further questions regarding the data trending world collects, or how we use it, then please feel free to contact Data Protection Officer at the details as indicated above hereof.